Challenge Wins

My Crafty Friends

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Father's Day

Hello all,

I hope you all had a good weekend? We celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary this weekend and went away for the night and visited the Amersfoort Zoo. It was the first time our girl visited a zoo and she enjoyed it so very much. It was great seeing her response to seeing an elephant and giraffe for the first time beyond seeing pictures or drawings. So much joy for her and us too :) Stay tuned for lots of pages from this experience!

Another (P)inspirational Challenge starting today and this is our inspirational photo:


Lovely bright colours! Again, the picture made me remember a paper in my stash that was just gathering dust, just hanging around; #Forever Young by BoBunny. Actually, I had several papers from that line still in my stash. So i started with the backing paper and pulled stuff in along the way. 

These are pictures from last year's (and my husband's first) Father's Day, as another one is due soon I thought this was the perfect time to scrap these. Yes, there is bright pink on a layout revolving around my husband, but it's quite bold and combined with lovely greens, white and black. Anyway, I prescribe to the idea that I use whatever I want whenever I want ;) I have included some ephemera in the shape of a moustache that our daughter 'made' at daycare and a business card from the place we had our Father Day's lunch. I am not planning to do this for every Father's and Mother's Day, but the first one is kind of special, right? I am thinking I can take pictures of the gifts our girl will make for the coming years and scrap them all together on a page. We shall see!

The sponsor this time around is Beccy's Place, have a look at her shop and see all the beautiful digi's available there!


* Glitter 'n Sparkle (One for the Boys)
* Crafty Calendar Challenge (Boys will be Boys)
* Connie Can Crop (It's a Guy Thing)
* Come and Get It (Anything Goes)


  1. Great page and fun colours. We hope you join us again soon at Come And Get It challenges, CarolG

  2. Fabulous page and love the layout thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Calendar hugs Sue J x

  3. Fun! Thanks for sharing at Crafty Calendar.

  4. Wonderful layout!! Thank you for joining us at Connie Can Crop.

    Sue - Connie Can Crop DT

  5. Such a whimsical layout. So fun. Thank you for joining us at Connie Can Crop's monthly challenge, "It's a Guy Thing". Good luck!

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this layout!!!! So much fun! Thanks for joining us at Connie Can Crop!
